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Rom mintz

A member registered Jan 19, 2017

Recent community posts

so atleast can you add a musketer?

can you add a musketeer please?

oh yes and another thing : yestarday i tried a battle of 40 unarmed , but for some weird reason, the sound of the fists is exactly the sound of swords

hello, i would REALLY like if you add 3 things: first, that "ship " the carried the us soldiers in normady to the beaches, secend, us soldiers with thompsons and third, a beach mapo( i just REALLY want to recrate the omaha beach)


hello again, i found a 2 bugs: first, when im in spectate, and im moving the speed% to zero to 200% quickly and alot of times, the dead bodies, and the wapeons are flying. and secend, in the end of a battle, if the speed is on 200%, the dead bodeis get up and then fly.

thank you, but the helmat that i speak about is very good

no way... if it can hold 3 battlefields AND still have plenty of storage i think its VERY strong

also, i have that bug all the time that when i put like more then 100 units in total, its not letting me put anything else, i cant save, or start the battle

hello. i have some suggiestions if you want(that are inspired by the roman empire): first, legioners, they have an helmet that is not like the useol helmat,have heavy armor and boots and all of the armor and an spata(an sword that is roman). secend, centrion: have an red feather helmat, an armored horse (and all of the armor) and have a new waepon( that you hopely put) the spata(its like an sword). if you dont listion to me, then atleast thank you for seeing this.(im sorry for my writing mistakes, im not naiteve english.)